Sunday 15 March 2015

[Movie Review] Without a clue


If you like Sherlock Holmes, you will definitely like this movie. "Without a clue" might be the funniest mystery genre movie that I saw. Before seeing this movie I didn't realise that mystery movies could be so funny. 

Starring Ben Kingsley and Michael Cane, this movie is total opposite of the classic Sherlock Holmes. Michael Cane portrays the character of a Sherlock Holmes who is a brilliant detective only physically meanwhile Ben Kingsley acts out the role of John Watson who is actually the mastermind behind the observations and deductions involved in solving a case. Being sick of the way Sherlock takes credit for all the hardwork, Watson decides to end his acquaintance with Sherlock and publish the truth through his own autobiography. At the verge of publishing and having come face to face with a new case, Watson realises that he is a mere person without Sherlock and also that people won't accept the truth. 

This movie had the classic plot which almost every mystery movie has but incidental and dialogical humour mostly prevailed till the end. Michael Cane doned the role of stupid Sherlock amazingly while Ben Kingsley could have done a bit better. I am not saying that he was entirely horrible but he could have stopped smiling at some weird places. Over all, it's an old movie but it was really hilarious. 


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