Thursday 19 March 2015

[Movie Review] The Fault in our Stars


Having read the book, I felt a strange desire to watch the movie. I have always wanted to know whether movie version is different from book version. Like most of the book based movies, 'The Fault in our Stars' was a cut and copy of the book and that made this a tiny bit dull but it was good and sticks well onto our mind for some appreciable amount of time.

Starring Shailene Woodley, Ansel Elgorth, Nate Wolff, this movie is about Hazel Grace Lancaster, a cancer survivor who meets Augustus Waters at the support group run by church. Hazel feels enchanted meeting Augustus who not only redefines her life but also gives her the chance to live, laugh and love once again. 

Actually, I wanted to see this movie soon after I put down the book but I ended up seeing this a little too late. Anyway, I was glad I saw it. The movie showcased some amazing places capturing the details so wonderfully that I was awe struck. This is an emotional movie but I didn't feel like shedding tears. Maybe it's because I read the book first or maybe it's because some of the actors were so lousy in their acting that the ended up crying for wrong reason. Being a romantic movie, one must not expect great storyline but I must say that 'The Fault in our Stars' was slow, simple but beautiful movie.


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