Doris Dumrauf's "Oktober Heat" is a fascinating mystery novel set in Germany- post Cold War. This one was given to me by the author herself for reviewing and I am truly thankful for that. Before going into more details about the novel, I would like to say about the book's cover. Only one word can describe the cover and that word is A-W-E-S-O-M-E. It is really an awesome cover because the 'music record' is indeed a significant element in this book. I had to say something about the cover because it was so stunning and got along fine with the novel.
"Oktober Heat" is about Walter Hofmann, a German policeman who encounters a murdered woman which is the starting line for the plot. When Walter comes to know that his best friend Jeff Preston, an American soldier is accused of that murder, he decides to find the real killer and clear his friend's name. In the long run to solve the case, Walter endangers the lives of his friends and family.
"Oktober Heat" is an interesting catch. I loved Walter's character very much. He is an honest policeman who is very bad at getting a date. As any person, Walter also finds himself jealous of his friends and colleagues. When people address his partner as superior, he feels a tinge of jealously but when it really comes to his superiors, he respects them. Walter feels that there are some advice from his chief that he didn't even get from the police academy. Author Doris Dumrauf has done an exemplary job in bringing out the tiny details and facts like the curiosity of a child when he sees a real revolver and the fact that the white borders of picture turns frayed after repetitive use. These small details may not be important but they make a lot more interesting to read. The author has also outlined the difference in life prior to the World War and after it. This is felt when Walter compares the carefree attitude of children with his childhood filled with the dire troubles of war. Addressing people based on their characters like hair colour and looks bring in a different prescriptive and for this I would like to thank the author.
Overall, "Oktober Heat" is a mystery set in the days post Cold War channeling the life of ordinary men, women, children and their obsession with the music of the well renowned singer Elvis Presley. This one was certainly good and was quite fast paced focusing completely on the path of Walter Hoffman who is destined to solve the mystery.