Tuesday 26 August 2014

[Book Review] The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari


The Monk who sold his Ferrari by Robin Sharma is an inspirational book belonging to the genre self-help.
This book is entirely a conversation between two friends.... Julian Mantle lawyer turned preacher shares his experience of wisdom from sages to his friend John. John opens up his heart to ask those questions which have often turned  up in our own mind and quizzed us without getting answers.

This book is a must read for every human being. Robin Sharma has explained the virtues of life through memorable fables and simple language for everyone's understanding. From developing a better self to enjoying the journey of life rather than the destination, this book tells us the 'power of now'. Robin Sharma has tried to answer the questions of our short life quite wisely.
This book has provided many practical means to apply so as to improve our concentration, positive thoughts and sharpen our mind.

Julian Mantle and John are characters with which we can relate our own life to. They have their own share of problems just like everyone of us. The experiences that Julian Mantle shared with John had a profound impact on him and I will give you my word that this book will not disappoint you, if you look beyond the story line and into the messages it conveys through beautiful tales and fables.
As I said earlier, this book is for everyone and it will benefit everyone. It is worth the catch. Hope eachone of you likes it.......


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